Polk County Gun Club

Polk County Gun Club
1243 Little Mountain Road
Columbus, NC 28722

Match dates: The fourth Sunday from April to October.

Match fees are $10 per match, $5 per match for juniors and seniors + a once per year NRA scorebook fee of $13. All matches are open to the public.
Practice and zeroing 12:00 pm. Matches begin at 1:00 pm with small-bore standard rifle and small-bore hunting rifle following the completion of the first match.

Registration on match day will begin at 1:30pm. Registration for the following Hunter match will continue up to its match start.

The club has 20 positions, 5 of each animal. If we have more than 20 competitors then we’ll form another relay. The match director may attempt to balance the relays in an effort to assign scorers for each competitor.

If there is only one competitor in any particular class, the match director will inform the shooter or shooters at the start of the match that they will be competing against members of the next higher class.


All NRA small bore silhouette rules apply, as with all safety rules of PCGC, and commands from match director.

For more info and forum discussions pertaining to silhouette competition go to http://www.steelchickens.com. This is a great resource for online discussion with very knowledgeable and friendly members.

So dust off that squirrel slayer. Put it to good use in fun, exciting, and very challenging Small-Bore silhouette matches. Come out and give it try. Once you hear that “clang” of a well aimed round and see that target disappear, you just might get bit. I sincerely hope you do.

Match Director:
Charlie Meli
(828) 894-5896